1. 安妮-沃西基(Anne Wojcicki),陷入困境的 23andMe 永遠的樂觀主義者 00:00 Anne Wojcicki, the floundering 23andMe’s eternal optimist (www.ft.com)
2. 埃隆-馬斯克的人工智能集團以 450 億美元收購 X 公司 06:24 Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence group buys X for 45bn (www.ft.com)
3. 美國要求法國公司遵守特朗普的反多元化命令 05:25 US tells French companies to comply with Trump’s anti-diversity order (www.ft.com)
4. 美國監管機構將就多元化舉措調查迪士尼 03:14 US regulator to investigate Disney over diversity initiatives (www.ft.com)
5. 裡夫對安全的追求使工黨面臨不確定性的困擾 03:13 Reeve’s drive for security leaves Labour beset by uncertainty (www.ft.com)
6. 近乎滑稽":特朗普團隊的首次國家安全危機 03:03 ‘Almost comical’: the Trump team’s first national security crisis (www.ft.com)
7. 特朗普與卡尼就美加貿易戰緊張局勢舉行會談 02:31 Trump and Carney hold talks over US-Canada trade war tensions (www.ft.com)
8. 英國鋼鐵公司的中國所有者為斯肯索普工廠爭取 10 億英鎊的國家支持 02:29 British Steel’s Chinese owner pushed for 1bn state support for Scunthorpe plant (www.ft.com)
9. 澤連斯基稱歐洲同意深化與基輔的情報聯繫 02:26 Zelenskyy says Europeans agree to deepen intelligence ties with Kyiv (www.ft.com)
12. 科技團體領導牛津鐵路復興運動 01:55 Science and tech groups lead campaign to revive Oxford rail link (www.ft.com)
14. 英國汽車製造商支持斯塔默對特朗普採取不徵收關稅的做法 01:30 UK carmakers back Starmer’s no-tariff approach to Trump (www.ft.com)
15. CoreWeave 首次公開募股規模縮小,上市首日下跌 01:16 CoreWeave falls in market debut after downsized IPO (www.ft.com)
16. 特朗普追蹤:有關美國關稅、貿易和經濟的最新數據 01:06 Trump tracker: the latest data on US tariffs, trade and economy (www.ft.com)
19. 量刑委員會拒絕放棄 "兩級 "司法準則的呼籲 03-28 Sentencing Council rejects calls to abandon ‘two-tier’ justice guidelines (www.ft.com)
21. 以色列自 11 月停火以來首次襲擊貝魯特 03-28 Israel strikes Beirut for first time since November ceasefire (www.ft.com)
22. 詹納-布洛克律師事務所就特朗普行政令起訴美國政府 03-28 Jenner & Block sues US government over Trump’s executive order (www.ft.com)
23. 利物浦前市長因腐敗調查出庭受審 03-28 Former mayor of Liverpool in court over corruption investigation (www.ft.com)
24. 美聯儲首選通脹指標 2 月份增幅高於預期 03-28 Fed’s preferred inflation measure rises more than expected in February (www.ft.com)
27. 歐盟監管機構拒絕批准禮來公司的阿爾茨海默氏症新藥 03-28 EU regulator declines approval for Eli Lilly’s new Alzheimer’s drug (www.ft.com)
29. 布魯姆斯伯裡一幫人如何將後印象派帶入英國 03-28 How the Bloomsbury set brought post-impressionism to Britain (www.ft.com)
31. 大雨將至:為什麼我們忽視了地表水洪水風險的上升? 03-28 A hard rain’s a-gonna fall: why are we ignoring the rising risk of surface water flooding? (www.ft.com)
32. 臺灣指控中國芯片製造商非法挖走工程師 03-28 Taiwan accuses Chinese chipmakers of illegally poaching engineers (www.ft.com)
34. 機構稱以色列廢除保護加沙援助人員的制度 03-28 Israel scraps system protecting aid workers in Gaza, agencies say (www.ft.com)
36. 馬克龍的高級顧問將在法國興業銀行擔任高級職務 03-28 Macron’s top adviser to take senior role at Société Générale (www.ft.com)
40. 尼古拉的特雷弗-米爾頓說他已被特朗普赦免 03-28 Nikola’s Trevor Milton says he has been pardoned by Trump (www.ft.com)
53. 英國改革人士計劃建立馬加式智囊團以吸引美國捐助者 03-28 Reform UK figures plan Maga-style think-tank to attract US donors (www.ft.com)
54. 新加坡大華銀行將進軍臺灣主動型 ETF 市場 03-28 Singapore’s UOBAM set to enter Taiwan active ETF market (www.ft.com)
56. 希思羅機場警告稱,航空公司可能要為更好的電力系統支付 10 億英鎊的費用 03-28 Heathrow warns airlines risk having to pay 1bn for better power system (www.ft.com)
57. 歐盟將限制對蘋果和 Meta 公司的罰款,以避免特朗普的憤怒 03-28 EU set to limit Apple and Meta fines to avoid Trump ire (www.ft.com)
58. 美國酒類品牌捲入加美關稅爭端 03-28 US alcohol brands caught up in middle of Canada-US tariff dispute (www.ft.com)
61. 主動型 ETF:歐洲陷入困境的資產管理公司的救命稻草? 03-28 Active ETFs: a lifeline for Europe’s struggling asset managers? (www.ft.com)
62. 梅洛尼拒絕在特朗普和歐洲之間做出 "幼稚 "的選擇 03-28 Meloni rejects ‘childish’ choice between Trump and Europe (www.ft.com)
63. 儘管有 250 億美元的里拉干預措施,外國投資者仍對土耳其保持警惕 03-28 Foreign investors wary of Turkey despite 25bn of lira intervention (www.ft.com)
64. 任天堂準備推出 Switch 2,馬里奧也加入貿易戰 03-28 Mario jumps into trade wars as Nintendo readies Switch 2 launch (www.ft.com)
65. 特朗普在最新行政令中針對律師事務所威瑪黑爾 03-28 Trump targets law firm WilmerHale in latest executive order (www.ft.com)
66. 澳大利亞5月3日舉行大選,工黨試圖從特朗普政策中獲利 03-28 Australia calls May 3 election as Labor seeks to profit from Trump policies (www.ft.com)
67. Lululemon 稱美國消費者正在削減開支 03-28 Lululemon says US consumers are cutting back on spending (www.ft.com)
68. FirstFT:特朗普的 "毀滅性 "關稅將顛覆汽車行業 03-28 FirstFT: Trump’s ‘devastating’ tariffs set to disrupt the car industry (www.ft.com)
69. 歐盟希望打擊美國服務出口中的大型科技公司 03-28 EU looks to hit Big Tech in crackdown on US services exports (www.ft.com)
70. 鋼鐵大亨拉克希米-米塔爾計劃在非家庭稅變革後離開英國 03-28 Steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal plans to leave UK after non-dom tax change (www.ft.com)
74. 德意志銀行在最新領導層調整中任命新首席財務官 03-28 Deutsche Bank names new CFO in latest leadership shake-up (www.ft.com)
76. 投資者警告蕾切爾-裡夫斯,她幾乎沒有犯錯的餘地 03-28 Investors warn Rachel Reeves she has little fiscal room for error (www.ft.com)
77. 歐盟監管機構建議對持有加密貨幣的保險公司實施嚴格的資本規則 03-28 EU watchdog proposes tough capital rules for insurers holding crypto (www.ft.com)
78. CBO 稱,未來幾年美國債務負擔將超過第二次世界大戰時的峰值 03-28 US debt burden to top second world war peak in coming years, CBO says (www.ft.com)
80. 瘋狂漏洞 "允許非英國居民申請全額國家養老金 03-28 ‘Wild loophole’ allows non-UK residents to apply for full state pension (www.ft.com)
81. CoreWeave 投資者可從網絡公司 IPO 對比中學到什麼 03-28 What CoreWeave investors can learn from a dotcom IPO comparison (www.ft.com)
82. 英國廣播公司記者因報道埃爾多安抗議活動被迫離開土耳其 03-28 BBC journalist forced to leave Turkey over Erdoğan protest coverage (www.ft.com)
85. 美國推動控制烏克蘭礦產和能源的新擴展協議 03-28 US pushes for new and expansive deal to control Ukraine’s minerals and energy (www.ft.com)
89. 本年度最大的人工智能花車剛剛成為 IPO 的黑馬 03-27 The year’s biggest AI float just became an IPOuroboros (www.ft.com)
90. CoreWeave 將削減首次公開募股的規模和金額,並增加 Nvidia 作為主要投資者 03-27 CoreWeave to cut size and value of IPO and add Nvidia as anchor investor (www.ft.com)
91. 馬克龍:歐洲在烏克蘭的再保證部隊將在 "3-4 周內 "成形 03-27 Europe’s reassurance force in Ukraine to take shape in ‘3-4 weeks’, says Macron (www.ft.com)
92. 隨著制裁最後期限的臨近,塞爾維亞面臨失去進口石油的機會 03-27 Serbia faces losing access to oil imports as sanctions deadline looms (www.ft.com)
95. 民意調查發現,三分之一的 Z 世代在 "成年早期 "進行投資 03-27 A third of Gen Z invest by ‘early adulthood’, poll finds (www.ft.com)
97. 美國經濟學家擔心 "金本位 "統計數據的未來,因為 "都格 "數據被削減了 03-27 US economists fear for future of ‘gold standard’ statistics amid Doge cuts (www.ft.com)
98. 智囊團警告:福利削減將使英國窮人遭受 "經濟衰退級別 "的打擊 03-27 Benefits cuts to fuel ‘recession level’ hit to UK’s poor, warns think-tank (www.ft.com)
102. 德國 Marvel Fusion 公司融資 1.12 億歐元,核聚變競賽白熱化 03-27 Germany’s Marvel Fusion raises 112mn as nuclear fusion race heats up (www.ft.com)
103. 英國鋼鐵公司考慮在 6 月關閉高爐,數以千計的工作崗位面臨風險 03-27 Thousands of British Steel jobs at risk as it considers closing blast furnaces in June (www.ft.com)
109. 特朗普汽車關稅給裡夫斯的新經濟計劃帶來壓力 03-27 Trump’s car tariffs pile pressure on Reeves’ new economic plan (www.ft.com)
113. 馬克龍和斯塔默致力於縮減烏克蘭維和計劃的規模 03-27 Macron and Starmer aim for scaled-back Ukraine peacekeeping plan (www.ft.com)
114. 日本稱將採取 "一切辦法 "反對特朗普徵收 25% 的汽車關稅 03-27 Japan says ‘every option’ on table against Trump’s 25% car tariffs (www.ft.com)
115. 第一財經頻道特朗普升級貿易戰,對汽車徵收 25% 關稅 03-27 FirstFT: Trump escalates trade war with 25% tariff on cars (www.ft.com)
116. 特朗普迴歸後,藍籌股廣告商湧向福克斯新聞 03-27 Blue-chip advertisers flock to Fox News following Trump return (www.ft.com)
117. 歐洲石油交易商權衡俄羅斯重返被戰爭重塑的市場 03-27 European oil traders weigh Russia return in market reshaped by war (www.ft.com)
118. 臨床研究人員的 "出走 "引發了對未來醫療保健的擔憂 03-27 ‘Exodus’ of clinical researchers sparks concern over future of healthcare (www.ft.com)
121. 巴西 "雞蛋大王 "斥資 10 億美元收購美國大型生產商 03-27 Brazil’s ‘Egg King’ shells out 1bn to acquire major US producer (www.ft.com)
122. Nest 養老基金稱 "無法保證 "投資 30% 於私人市場的承諾 03-27 Nest pension fund says pledge to invest 30% in private markets is ‘not guaranteed’ (www.ft.com)
124. 貝爾法斯特磁鐵回收初創企業帶來稀土前景 03-27 Belfast magnet recycling start-up offers rare earth promise (www.ft.com)
126. 泰國開始向散戶投資者銷售槓桿 ETF 03-27 Thailand ushers in sale of leveraged ETFs to retail investors (www.ft.com)
127. 尼日利亞石油管道爆炸引發國家政治危機 03-27 Nigeria’s exploding oil pipelines spark national political crisis (www.ft.com)
128. 梅爾茨的 "男孩樂隊 "因高層職位面臨女性反叛 03-27 Merz’s ‘boy band’ faces female rebellion over top jobs (www.ft.com)
130. 特朗普削減美國政府開支引發對經濟數據質量的擔憂 03-27 Trump’s cuts to US government raise worries over economic data quality (www.ft.com)
132. 面對不斷變化的氣候,加拿大努力確保北極疆域安全 03-27 Canada races to secure its Arctic frontier in face of changing climate (www.ft.com)
133. 洛克希德公司的 F-35 會成為唐納德-特朗普的犧牲品嗎? 03-27 Will Lockheed’s F-35 become a casualty of Donald Trump? (www.ft.com)
135. 增長最快的 FT1000 公司照亮了太陽能市場的發展之路 03-27 Fastest-growing FT1000 company illuminates solar market evolution (www.ft.com)
136. 波蘭太陽能電池板供應商榮登 FT1000 歐洲排名榜首 03-27 Polish solar panel supplier tops FT1000 European ranking (www.ft.com)
137. 私人資產 ETF 的推出引發基金業關注 03-27 Launches of private asset ETFs raise concerns in funds industry (www.ft.com)
139. 特朗普新關稅逼近,美國公司感受到中國的擠壓 03-27 US companies feel China squeeze as new Trump tariffs loom (www.ft.com)
140. 中國監管機構開啟內地市場 IPO 復興之路 03-27 Chinese regulators open path to IPO revival in mainland market (www.ft.com)
141. 匯豐銀行在分紅日解僱投資銀行家,並且不給他們分紅 03-27 HSBC fired investment bankers on bonus day and gave them no bonuses (www.ft.com)
142. 資金削減威脅防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病工作的 "成功故事 03-27 Funding cuts threaten ‘success story’ of efforts to combat HIV/Aids (www.ft.com)
143. 前英特爾主管稱,臺積電向特朗普承諾的 1000 億美元不會振興美國芯片製造業 03-27 TSMC’s 100bn pledge to Trump will not revive US chipmaking, says ex-Intel chief (www.ft.com)
147. 傑富瑞業績未達預期,表明交易活動依然低迷 03-27 Jefferies results miss estimates in sign dealmaking remains subdued (www.ft.com)
148. 權宜之計的春季聲明讓蕾切爾-裡夫斯對英國公共財政 "心有餘而力不足 03-27 Stop-gap Spring Statement leaves Rachel Reeves with ‘unfinished business’ on UK public finances (www.ft.com)
149. 英國鋼鐵公司的中國所有者拒絕英國政府的補貼提議 03-27 British Steel’s Chinese owner rejects UK government subsidy offer (www.ft.com)
151. 俄羅斯在戰後最引人注目的案件中拘留億萬富翁 03-27 Russia detains billionaire in highest-profile case since war (www.ft.com)
153. 美國頁岩油公司高管稱特朗普關稅和 "混亂 "威脅石油產量 03-27 US shale executives say Trump tariffs and ‘chaos’ threaten oil output (www.ft.com)
154. 加沙人舉行抗議活動,罕見地表達對哈馬斯的不滿 03-27 Gazans protest in rare display of dissent against Hamas (www.ft.com)
155. 英國人是否應該為 10 月份的預算案中的增稅做好準備? 03-27 Should Brits brace for tax rises in October’s Budget? (www.ft.com)
158. 裡夫斯仍能提升英國企業的精神面貌--在微薄的資金條件下 03-27 Reeves can still raise UK business spirits — on a shoestring (www.ft.com)
161. 新一輪波動衝擊華爾街,美國科技股下跌 03-27 US tech stocks drop as fresh jolt of volatility hits Wall Street (www.ft.com)
165. 信號慘敗應提醒我們,自滿會招致災難 03-27 Signal fiasco should remind us that complacency invites catastrophe (www.ft.com)
166. 英國 2025 年春季聲明:財政大臣講話全文 03-26 UK Spring Statement 2025: the chancellor’s speech in full (www.ft.com)
167. 裡夫斯確認明年英國軍費將增加 22 億英鎊 03-26 Reeves confirms extra 2.2bn in UK military funding next year (www.ft.com)
170. 大西洋》雜誌公佈特朗普官員信號聊天的更多細節 03-26 Atlantic magazine releases further details of Trump officials’ Signal chat (www.ft.com)
171. 官方預測:規劃改革將促進英國住宅建設 03-26 Planning reforms will boost UK housebuilding say official forecasts (www.ft.com)
173. 政府評估顯示,福利削減將使 25 萬人陷入貧困 03-26 Welfare cuts to push 250,000 people into poverty, government assessment shows (www.ft.com)
175. 大宗商品交易商抱怨特朗普 "推特驅動 "的不確定性造成的損失 03-26 Commodity traders complain about cost of Trump ‘tweet-driven’ uncertainty (www.ft.com)
176. 黎巴嫩即將確定下一任央行行長,改革議程面臨考驗 03-26 Lebanon closes in on next central bank head in test of reform agenda (www.ft.com)
177. 阿克塞爾-施普林格(Axel Springer)董事會成員在指責《政治報》偏左後辭職 03-26 Axel Springer board member resigns after accusing Politico of leftwing bias (www.ft.com)
178. 雷切爾-裡夫斯提出 140 億英鎊修復英國公共財政的一攬子計劃 03-26 Rachel Reeves sets out 14bn package to repair UK public finances (www.ft.com)
179. 瑞典將大幅增加國防開支,使其達到國內生產總值的 3.5 03-26 Sweden to increase defence spending sharply to 3.5% of GDP (www.ft.com)
182. 瑞銀提出限制投資銀行規模以安撫瑞士監管機構 03-26 UBS offers to limit size of investment bank to appease Swiss regulators (www.ft.com)
183. 在成本超支和利潤預警之後,Vistry 召回全職員工 03-26 Vistry calls staff back to office full-time after cost overruns and profit warnings (www.ft.com)
185. 英國皇家學會不會對埃隆-馬斯克採取懲戒行動 03-26 UK’s Royal Society will not take disciplinary action against Elon Musk (www.ft.com)
186. CoreWeave 在違反 Blackstone 貸款條款後觸發違約 03-26 CoreWeave triggered defaults after breaching terms on Blackstone loan (www.ft.com)
187. 歐盟呼籲家庭在戰爭風險中儲備 72 小時的食物 03-26 EU calls for households to stockpile 72 hours of food amid war risks (www.ft.com)
188. 在與唐納德-特朗普的鬥爭中民調上升的全球領導人 03-26 The global leaders rising in the polls as they battle Donald Trump (www.ft.com)
190. 聯合國氣候問題負責人敦促歐洲不要在防禦行動中忘記地球 03-26 UN climate boss urges Europe not to forget planet amid defence drive (www.ft.com)
192. 日產應對多重危機,新任總裁致力於重建品牌 03-26 Nissan tackles multiple crises as new chief works to rebuild brand (www.ft.com)
193. 泰晤士河下游過河通道和老特拉福德項目是值得歡迎的投資項目 03-26 Lower Thames Crossing and Old Trafford projects are welcome investments (www.ft.com)
194. 英國 2 月份通脹率降至 2.8%,降幅高於預期 03-26 UK inflation falls more than expected to 2.8% in February (www.ft.com)
196. 不斷調整":Piyush Gupta 16 年後移交新加坡最大銀行 03-26 ‘Keep pivoting’: Piyush Gupta hands over Singapore’s biggest bank after 16 years (www.ft.com)
197. 聯合國維和人員能否成為烏克蘭停火部隊的關鍵? 03-26 Could UN peacekeepers be the key to a Ukraine ceasefire force? (www.ft.com)
199. 在黑格塞斯訪問之前,東京擔心美國聯盟的持久性 03-26 Tokyo frets about durability of US alliance ahead of Hegseth visit (www.ft.com)
200. 不斷增長的債務和支出需求擠壓英國財政 03-26 Rising debt and spending demands squeeze Britain’s finances (www.ft.com)
201. 以色列的封鎖助長了加沙破爛現金黑市的發展 03-26 Israeli blockade fuels black market for tattered cash in Gaza (www.ft.com)
202. 研究發現,國家統計局的地方就業數據提供了 "不穩定 "的結果 03-26 ONS local jobs data gives ‘volatile’ results, research finds (www.ft.com)
203. 百加得與墨西哥龍舌蘭酒監管機構發生爭執,帕特龍出口受阻 03-26 Bacardi was blocked from exporting Patrón in dispute with Mexican tequila watchdog (www.ft.com)
205. 巴黎逍遙遊:盧瓦爾河的風味、洞穴和城堡 03-26 Paris getaway: the flavours, caves and castles of the Loire (www.ft.com)
206. 西班牙的巨型幽靈酒店--以及為何不能將其推倒的原因 03-26 Spain’s huge ghost hotel — and why they can’t knock it down (www.ft.com)
208. 何塞-瑪麗亞-貝拉斯科:幫助墨西哥看清自己的藝術家 03-26 José María Velasco: the artist who helped Mexico to see itself (www.ft.com)
209. 撤銷北海許可證的新提案是對工黨能源政策的最新考驗 03-26 New bid to quash North Sea licences is latest test for Labour energy policy (www.ft.com)
210. 普華永道推遲向香港和中國離職合夥人支付薪酬 03-26 PwC delays payouts for departing partners in Hong Kong and China (www.ft.com)
211. 意大利倍耐力推動中國所有者減持股份,因擔心特朗普凍結其股份 03-26 Italy’s Pirelli pushes Chinese owner to cut stake amid fears of Trump freeze-out (www.ft.com)
214. 俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司內幕:這家瀕臨倒閉的能源巨頭能否重振雄風? 03-26 Inside Russia’s Gazprom: can the ailing energy giant be revived? (www.ft.com)
215. 美聯儲高官稱市場對通脹的焦慮將是 "紅旗 03-26 Top Fed official says market angst over inflation would be ‘red flag’ (www.ft.com)
216. 英偉達在華銷售面臨中國政府環保禁令的威脅 03-26 Nvidia’s China sales face threat from Beijing’s environmental curbs (www.ft.com)
217. 印尼軍隊在將軍出身的總統普拉博沃領導下嶄露頭角 03-26 Indonesian army comes to fore under general-turned-president Prabowo (www.ft.com)
219. 國會議員警告說,英國將很難通過推動人工智能來促進公共部門的發展 03-26 UK will struggle to boost public sector with AI drive, MPs warn (www.ft.com)
220. 數據顯示,2024 年英國僅新增 86 張護理院床位 03-26 Just 86 extra UK care home beds created in 2024, data shows (www.ft.com)
221. 美國法官命令波音公司在法庭上為欺詐指控辯護 03-26 US judge orders Boeing to defend fraud charges in court (www.ft.com)
222. 澤連斯基說:美國向烏克蘭提出新的重要礦產協議 03-26 US proposes new critical minerals deal to Ukraine, says Zelenskyy (www.ft.com)
223. FirstFT:中國兩年後釋放美國公司僱員 03-26 FirstFT: China releases employees of US firm after two years (www.ft.com)
224. 裡夫斯將在春季聲明中宣佈增加 22 億英鎊的英國國防開支 03-26 Reeves to unveil 2.2bn UK defence spending boost in Spring Statement (www.ft.com)
225. 特朗普發佈針對詹納-布洛克律師事務所的命令,擴大了對法律行業的打擊範圍 03-26 Trump widens war on legal industry with order targeting Jenner & Block (www.ft.com)
226. 神秘僱主的延遲披露引發對英國工資數據的質疑 03-26 Mystery employer’s late disclosure raises doubts about UK wage data (www.ft.com)
227. 教授們就哥倫比亞大學改革起訴特朗普政府 03-26 Professors sue Trump administration over Columbia University overhaul (www.ft.com)
230. 英國大學監管機構就蘇塞克斯大學言論自由案開出創紀錄罰單 03-26 England’s university regulator issues record fine in Sussex free speech case (www.ft.com)
231. 九龍倉調查發現 "可信證據",顯示被停職的改革派議員存在欺凌行為 03-26 KC investigation finds ‘credible evidence’ of bullying by suspended Reform MP (www.ft.com)
232. 印尼盾跌至亞洲金融危機以來最低水平 03-26 Indonesia rupiah falls to lowest level since Asian financial crisis (www.ft.com)
233. Ticketmaster 因 "綠洲 "樂隊門票定價問題遭到英國監管機構抨擊 03-25 Ticketmaster under fire from UK watchdog over Oasis ticket pricing (www.ft.com)
235. 穆迪就美國公共財政前景惡化發出警告 03-26 Moody’s warns on deteriorating outlook for US public finances (www.ft.com)
237. 倫敦警察局結束對導致希思羅機場關閉的變電站火災的 "刑事 "調查 03-25 Met Police close ‘criminal’ probe into substation fire that closed Heathrow (www.ft.com)
240. 主要貿易集團稱今年銅價將達到 12,000 美元 03-25 Copper to hit 12,000 this year, say major trading groups (www.ft.com)
241. 特朗普就聊天記錄洩露事件為國家安全顧問辯護 03-25 Trump defends national security adviser over chat breach (www.ft.com)
242. 以色列通過預算案支持本雅明-內塔尼亞胡的聯盟 03-25 Israel passes budget in boost to Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition (www.ft.com)
243. 土耳其警方逮捕數十名 "侮辱 "埃爾多安及其家人的人 03-25 Turkish police arrest dozens for ‘insulting’ Erdoğan and his family (www.ft.com)
244. 到 2025 年底,英國人可使用智能手機撥打衛星電話 03-25 Britons could make satellite calls using smartphones by end of 2025 (www.ft.com)
247. 裡夫斯因 "贈票 "問題受到同僚部長的批評 03-25 Reeves criticised by fellow minister over ‘freebie’ tickets (www.ft.com)
249. 曾被阿薩德追捕的敘利亞白頭盔重返大馬士革 03-25 Once hunted by Assad, Syria’s White Helmets return to Damascus (www.ft.com)
251. 澳大利亞在大選前預算中推出意想不到的減稅措施 03-25 Australia unveils unexpected tax cuts in pre-election budget (www.ft.com)
252. 歐盟立法者警告淡化人工智能規則的 "危險 "舉動 03-25 EU lawmakers warn against ‘dangerous’ moves to water down AI rules (www.ft.com)
253. 施耐德電氣將在美國能源領域投資超過 7 億美元 03-25 Schneider Electric set to invest more than 700mn in US energy sector (www.ft.com)
254. 部長們為耗資 100 億英鎊的泰晤士河下游穿越工程開綠燈 03-25 Ministers give green light to 10bn Lower Thames Crossing (www.ft.com)
255. 美國官員洩露的信息應促使歐洲採取行動 03-25 US officials’ leaked messages should spur Europe into action (www.ft.com)
256. 儘管電動汽車市場回暖,特斯拉在歐洲的銷量卻出現下滑 03-25 Tesla sales fall in Europe despite upswing in EV market (www.ft.com)
257. 中國開發商融創啟動史無前例的第二次重組 03-25 Chinese developer Sunac unveils unprecedented 2nd restructuring (www.ft.com)
259. 廉價石油並非特朗普政府的首要能源任務 03-25 Cheap oil is not the Trump administration’s top energy priority (www.ft.com)
260. 匯豐銀行主席馬克-塔克表示,"我們所知的全球化 "可能已經結束 03-25 ‘Globalisation as we knew it’ may be over, says HSBC chair Mark Tucker (www.ft.com)
261. 美國和英國搖擺不定,歐盟為何面臨銀行業新規的艱難抉擇? 03-25 Why the EU faces a tough call on new banking rules as US and UK waver (www.ft.com)
262. 曼聯如何支付 20 億英鎊的 "新特拉福德 "球場? 03-25 How will Man United pay for its 2bn ‘New Trafford’ stadium? (www.ft.com)
263. 勞斯萊斯警告英國有可能在小型核反應堆競賽中落敗 03-25 Rolls-Royce warns UK risks losing out in small nuclear reactor race (www.ft.com)
264. 英國 Motability 將打擊濫用殘疾人汽車計劃的行為 03-25 UK’s Motability to crack down on misuse of motoring scheme for disabled people (www.ft.com)
265. 利物浦與英國的解體--一座激進城市的教訓 03-25 Liverpool and the Unmaking of Britain — lessons from a radical city (www.ft.com)
266. 巴西博爾索納羅呼籲外援向特朗普示好 03-25 Brazil’s Bolsonaro calls for foreign help in overture to Trump (www.ft.com)
268. 探索倫敦皇家天文臺--首都最初的時光機 03-25 Exploring London’s Royal Observatory, the capital’s original time machine (www.ft.com)
269. 美國農民對中國造船徵稅提案表示失望 03-25 US farmers express dismay over proposal for levies on China-built ships (www.ft.com)
270. 裡夫斯擔心春季聲明只是壞財政消息的開始 03-25 Reeves braces for her Spring Statement to be only the start of bad fiscal news (www.ft.com)
273. 捷克總理表示,法國和英國現在是歐洲硬實力的領導者 03-25 France and UK now leaders of hard power in Europe, says Czech PM (www.ft.com)
274. 投資巨頭紛紛出逃,散戶卻向美股投入 670 億美元 03-25 Retail traders plough 67bn into US stocks while investment giants flee (www.ft.com)
275. 英國航空公司試圖通過新頭等艙座椅重獲光環 03-25 British Airways tries to regain its halo with a new first-class seat (www.ft.com)
278. 投資診所:我已經 29 歲了--我還應該聽從父親的股票建議嗎? 03-25 Investment Clinic: I’m 29 – should I still be taking stock tips from my dad? (www.ft.com)
280. DeepSeek 取得成功後,中國人工智能初創企業徹底改變了商業模式 03-25 Chinese AI start-ups overhaul business models after DeepSeek’s success (www.ft.com)
282. 行業機構稱,英國石油和天然氣需求量的一半可在國內生產 03-25 Half of UK oil and gas demand can be produced at home, says industry body (www.ft.com)
283. 在企業呼籲下,英國監管機構將削減金融行業規則 03-25 UK watchdog to cut financial sector rules after calls from business (www.ft.com)
284. 業內人士稱,為經濟適用房提供 20 億英鎊的 "增量 "標誌著削減額度 03-25 ‘Boost’ of 2bn for affordable homes marks a reduction, industry says (www.ft.com)
287. FirstFT: 財務大臣警告 "日本尚未克服通貨緊縮 03-25 FirstFT: ‘Japan has not overcome deflation’, finance minister warns (www.ft.com)
288. 格陵蘭政府就美國訪問北極島嶼回擊特朗普 03-25 Greenland’s government hits back at Trump over US visit to Arctic island (www.ft.com)
289. 中國探索服務業補貼以提振疲軟內需 03-25 China explores services subsidy to boost weak domestic demand (www.ft.com)
290. 美國高官與記者分享軍事打擊的機密細節 03-25 Top US officials share classified details of military strikes with journalist (www.ft.com)
291. 英國研究如何減輕數字稅對美國科技集團的影響 03-25 UK looks at ways to soften impact of its digital tax on US tech groups (www.ft.com)
294. Drax 舉報人在和解後感謝對沖基金負責人培根 03-24 Drax whistleblower thanks hedge fund head Bacon after settling case (www.ft.com)
296. 威斯康星州最高法院的競選是對特朗普的首次選舉考驗 03-24 Wisconsin Supreme Court race is the first electoral test for Trump (www.ft.com)
297. 特朗普將對購買委內瑞拉石油的國家徵收 25% 的關稅 03-24 Trump to hit countries that buy Venezuelan oil with 25 per cent tariff (www.ft.com)
298. 銀湖完成收購後,阿里-伊曼紐爾辭去 Endeavor 首席執行官一職 03-24 Ari Emanuel cedes role as Endeavor chief after Silver Lake completes takeover (www.ft.com)
299. GraniteShares 的歐洲槓桿 ETP 遇到監管障礙 03-24 GraniteShares’ European leveraged ETPs hit regulatory roadblock (www.ft.com)